Thursday, July 29, 2010

If you find yourself spending more time worrying than being
thankful and feeling good -you really need this.

How you see yourself and the events of your life can either move you away from what you want -or TOWARDS what you want. 

You have the power to determine that -you just need to understand how easily  you can access it.

"Started living for eternity" ain't die with it.

  • The playful habit you probably developed as a child that is actually the key to attracting anything you want in life now (and how to easily tap into your natural born abilities most effectively!) 
  • How the Morse Code and telegraph wires prove the laws of the Universe are REAL and powerful enough to create your new reality (and how to leverage the natural laws to achieve your deepest desires!)
  • The one simple thing you need to do every single day to guarantee the Law of Attraction works for you (and don’t worry, this is fun to do, energizing, and builds the foundation for everything you’ve ever wanted to effortlessly “find” you.)
  • The missing ingredient most people forget, that is absolutely essential to seeing your dreams and goals become a reality. You’ll love how this feels, and be stunned when you see what happens!
  • Why it’s 100% true that what you think is what you become--and how to harness that power to your best advantage!
  • The proven science behind visualization and why your brain is “hard-wired” to magnetically attract what you think about into your life. NOTE: Get this and you get it all! This is critical to your success.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What is what!!!!! Dreams-Survival thinking

  1. Dreams and survival thinking
    1. its been a war between when i think of these two
    2. they are the most contradictory statement which we are not used to
  2. Recognize your dreams and accept it
    1. cherish it, grow it like your child every second
So finally what i feel now?.

simple and clear, ''enjoy the path of your dream route because you cant skip it so enjoy it any way, you deserve for it.'' but Dream of the destination , make it strong reliable before you start.--As  told by IIM-Indore director on Synapse-08 ''Go forward a mile in dreams, come back and live the next'', in other way As said by R.P.Raaya ''think about one billion of the second forward before you do anything''..

Let me start this day with my dreams which has its validity period till december 15, 2010.


Arun Jade Prakash.G

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Plan@ finally steped up

its been a perfect mind and happy working towards my plan@ child, will growth that healthy in the years to come which has all my dreams and  futures answer..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The walkin-future

''its me with all those dreams'', but time and people
do give timely pressure which force me to shift my
concentration on something which i feel will vanish
me in few years..what should i do to keep me alert?..
becoming a Bilderberger is my  destiny in my life i
wish to be..well i see how do i make it..